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!!!Patreon Announcement!!!
May 15, 2022
Person of Few Talents
Hey guys! So, I'm pretty much a lone developer with everything I make - original games, mods, fangames... I make all of it alone. And I don't have any other form of income - which is BAD. Even my patr...
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Fixed a small thing - that's about it!
January 07, 2020
Person of Few Talents
Very sorry to those of you who couldn't unlock Kyle due to my dumb mind forgetting to add a transfer point in Ville Town's well. It's fixed now, though, so go recruit him! ... That's it...
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Finally, a Plot
November 07, 2019
Person of Few Talents
Whoooooo! An actual plot has been introduced! I finally did what I've been meaning to and finally added in the Big Bad of the game, though you don't yet get to fight him. You meet him though! So that'...
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Temporarily Free!
November 06, 2019
Person of Few Talents
Ohhh dang, okay so there's a big problem with my PayPal account... It's basically not letting any money in or out. As such, I am now offering this game completely free, at least until the problem is r...
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I should start doing these
October 07, 2019
Person of Few Talents
So, I added/fixed quite a few things in this new version of the game! I added some new enemies to battle! I added the ability to get poisoned! (you can also poison the enemy, so don't worry, it's fair...
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